mouse or gamepad) can control the camera.
It depends on the Camera control device setting on theĬonfiguration tab whether the device (e.g. The default photomode mod controls are listed below. The file Cam Tools for ROTTR - Alternative for Cinematic Tools v.1.1 is a modification for Rise of the Tomb Raider, a(n) action game. When you create a Camera path, each node records the camera location, orientation and field of view. Rise of the Tomb Raider - Cam Tools for ROTTR - Alternative for Cinematic Tools v.1.1 - Game mod - Download. Information recorded with camera path nodes Use this to create slow-motion effects which help you pause the gameĪt the right moment. Game speed This controls how fast the runs internally a value of 1.0 is 'normal game speed' and a value of 0.0 is total pause.
Resolution of the sun shadowmap so the sun shadows are less low-res. Miscellaneous options Higher LODs and Sun shadow resolution This setting allows you to increase the in-game level of detail of further away elements like trees / objects beyond the maximum the game settings allow. The Image Adjustments tab is the tab where you can adjust some aspects that might influence the image. When you set the camera device on the Configuration tab in the client to Gamepad, you can control where Lara looks at by moving the mouse.